Project news

The kick-off conference on the project "BREAK: Breaking the Barriers in Children Rehabilitation: from Correction towards Inclusive Collaboration" was held at IKBFU

On October 28, the kick-off conference on the international project "Breaking down barriers in the rehabilitation of children: from correction to inclusive education" was held at the IKBFU. The goal of the project is to improve the availability of social, medical and educational services to improve the quality of life of families and children with psychomotor problems in early intervention in the cross-border region. The University is one of the venues for holding the conference in a face-to-face and distance format. The event brought together 110 specialists. Among them are representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Kaliningrad Region and Lithuania, the Regional Agency for International and Interregional Relations, the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Russia-Lithuania Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, the medical community of the Kaliningrad Region and the Republic of Lithuania. The experts presented 11 reports. Within the framework of the conference, the issues of implementation of the project's activities, existing problems and achievements in the field of early diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with psychomotor disorders in Lithuania and Russia were discussed.

Alexander Fedorov, Rector of IKBFU:

“Undoubtedly, this project is of great importance for the university and for the region as a whole. Such events as the creation of a scientific and diagnostic laboratory with high-precision innovative equipment, the development and implementation of methods for early diagnosis of children with psychomotor disorders, cooperation in the development of joint methods for the rehabilitation of children, the educational component are ambitious and require the use of significant university resources in their implementation. As well as constant work and interaction with partners and organizations in the healthcare sector in order to improve our main future, which is our children. "

Maxim Demin, Vice-Rector for Research, IKBFU:

"The project is really of great importance for the region, and our university, as well as partners, take on a great responsibility, because we must perform all tasks in the best possible way for the health of children, no mistakes should be made, since children's health is above all."

From IKBFU, the project administrator Anna Belova, junior researcher Vitaly Petrov, scientific coordinator of the project, professor Zhanna Malakhova and director of the CDC, project specialist Yuri Skalin. University staff spoke in detail about the creation of a scientific and diagnostic laboratory, the development of a method for early diagnosis and about the steps in the implementation of the project "Breaking down barriers in the rehabilitation of children: from correction to inclusive education."

Anna Belova, Project administrator, IKBFU:

“The problem of child disability in the border regions of Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region is one of the most urgent today. Unfortunately, many diseases that lead to disability are not curable, and it is difficult for such children to adapt and socialize in society in the future. The project plans to reduce the risk of an increase in the number of people with disabilities."

It should be noted that the project brings together 4 partners from the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Lithuania and is financed from the funds of the Russia-Lithuania 2014-2020 hospitality cooperation program and the partners' own funds in the amount of 10%.

This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Lithuania-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Lithuania 2014-2020.

2020-11-05 12:53 BREAK