Project news

Festive lessons at the English Language Course

Themed lessons were held at the English Language Course in Kaliningrad. The classes were dedicated to the New Year and Christmas traditions of the English-speaking countries. Our teachers share their experience in organizing festive classes.

Elena Zakharovna Mondareva, Associate Professor of the IKBFU’s Resource Center of Foreign Languages:
«The working vocabulary accumulated by the learners since the start of the “Silver Age Project”* made it possible to organize a New Year themed lesson in an exciting format. The Course participants played games in English, came up with positive forecasts about the 2022 New Year, wrote creative greetings using emotive adjectives, guessed the group members by description. The culmination of the lesson was the American square dance, performing which the dancers need to adjust to the commands in English. The dance was prompted by a professional caller Maria Bekauri, one of the Course participants. All the learners received a pleasant New Year gift as a surprise».

Marina Aleksandrovna Panyushkina, Associate Professor of the IKBFU’s Resource Center of Foreign Languages:
«The festive lesson was held in a warm and cozy atmosphere. Acquaintance with the New Year traditions was organized in an interactive form and was accompanied not only by games, riddles, charades, and New Year songs, but also by a tea party with treats prepared by the learners. There was also a poetic minute with Robert Burns’ poem “Winter”, an entertaining interactive ‘Snowflake’, and fascinating stories about traveling in the New Year. The course participants wished each other peace, kindness, good mood, and success in learning English».

Elena Nikolaevna Zeidmanis, Senior Teacher of the IKBFU’s Resource Center of Foreign Languages:
«The interactive ‘Christmas Spirit’ appeared to be a very special moment of the New Year’s Eve lesson with the English Course learners of the “Silver Age Project”. Little sweet gifts with wishes in English were prepared in advance. To get their wish out of the New Year’s bag, the learners had to make a promise for the coming year in English. Everyone successfully coped with this challenge. It was a real pleasure when the wish accidentally coincided with the promise!»

The organizers of the “Silver Age Project” wish all the participants good health, happiness, and wealth in the 2022 New Year and hope that the New Year will be fruitful, bright, knowledgeable, and full of impressions.

*The full name of the project: “Silver Age: Cross-Border Social Integration through Education”.

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2022-01-13 19:00 Silver age