In this project, the IKBFU’s partners are Kaliningrad Regional Scientific Library (Russia) and Marijampole Petras Kriauciunas Public Library (Lithuania).
At the meeting, which took place on July 20, the colleagues discussed organizational issues and drew up the timetable of events.
Within the project, the courses on the English Language, Human Ecology, Participation in Solving Urban Problems, the Use of Electronic Services, and the Development of Creative Skills will be organized for people aged 50+ in Kaliningrad and 60+ in Lithuania. Training materials for each course are supposed to be developed and published too.
The free English language course starts in Kaliningrad in October 2021. Currently, enrolment in this course is taking place for everyone aged 50+.
The contact person: Yulia Goncharova, Project Manager (e-mail:
* The full name of the project: "Silver Age: Cross-Border Social Integration through Education".

This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Lithuania-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Lithuania 2014-2020.