Project news

Courses for "Silver Age" Kaliningraders

For two months, the English Course has been held in Kaliningrad for the first cohort of Kaliningraders aged 50+ within the framework of our project.

Elena Nikolaevna Zeidmanis, Senior Teacher of the IKBFU’s Resource Center of Foreign Languages, shares her impressions of the work with the learners,
“Being the member of the “Silver Age” Project* team, I am lucky to teach English to one of the groups of seniors. My group, like the other groups, is small, which meets the terms of the project. The learners of the first cohort cannot be called “silver age” people. They are energetic, curious, open to everything new and extremely positive people with a young soul. Their age is seventeen plus track record! My students are not afraid to ask questions, make mistakes, and correct them. They are always punctual and well prepared for the lesson.
At the beginning of our cooperation, I conducted an express survey, in which I asked the following questions:

(1) What do I expect from the course?;
(2) What am I afraid of?;
(3) What do I want to achieve?.

The answers to the first question were as follows: “speak everyday English fluently”, “expand the vocabulary”, “improve the level of spoken English for travel”. The answer to the second question was a pleasant surprise – “nothing” and “lockdown”. To the third question, my learners gave the following answers: “to understand speech by ear”, "to understand the inscriptions on signs and boards”, “to communicate fluently in English while traveling round the world”. Based on the survey results, the course was tailored, and the educational material was added to meet the needs of the learners. I would like to express my gratitude to the initiators of the “Silver Age” project, who are implementing this type of activity for active social integration.”

The English Course for the second cohort of senior learners, Silver Age Urban Development and Public Involvement Course, Silver Age Fundamentals of Human Ecology Course, Silver Age Information Advisement Course, and Silver Age Creativity Development Course (Acting) start in March 2022. At present, the enrollment on these courses has been announced. The contact person is Project Manager Yulia Vladimirovna Goncharova (e-mail:

*The full name of the project: “Silver Age: Cross-Border Social Integration through Education”.

This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Lithuania-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Lithuania 2014-2020.

2021-12-11 14:00 Silver age