Project news

Develop while maintaining!

The project "Ecotourism as a tool for the preservation of cultural and natural heritage", which received the short name Ecotour4Natur and implemented within the framework of the Russia-Lithuania Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020, will make a significant contribution to the preservation and adaptation of cultural and natural heritage for future generations through the development and implementation of an innovative product, combining new educational eco-tourist routes, environmental education programs and modern scientific knowledge. The main beneficiary of the project is IKBFU.
Cooperation between universities and nature parks will create a solid basis for solving common problems for the transboundary region, including degradation and shrinking of beaches, excessive traffic on the coastal zone, tourist pollution, congestion of tourist routes, the lack of new tourism opportunities in natural parks that are relevant for young people.
The project will become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience of scientists from Klaipeda University (Lithuania) and IKBFU. To provide the scientific base of the Ecotour4nature project, scientists will conduct a large-scale study devoted to the study of the coastline, the dynamics of coastal changes, the economic and recreational potential of the coastal zone to achieve sustainable development goals, landscape features and geoecology of dune complexes.
As a result of the project, two resource centers will be created and equipped on the territory of natural parks in Russia and Lithuania, which will make everyone feel like a scientist. In the village. Rybachy in the historic building of the former exhibition pavilion of the first Rossitten Ornithological Station in Europe. In 2018, KBFSIRNP "Curonian Spit" became the owner of the building, which housed the carpentry workshop for a long time. The building was completely restored by the foundation and acquired a historical look. Within the framework of the project, an exhibition “The Feathered World of the Baltic” will be created, which will tell about the birds of the Baltic and their migration, as well as the history of mass ringing of birds (for the first time in the world, birds began to ring in Rossitten at the beginning of the 20th century). The "Feathered World of the Baltic" will become one of the objects of the new tourist route "Geological and Geomorphological Chronicle of the Baltic Sea", aimed not only at contemplating the beauty of the coastal landscape, but also at the formation of a progressive attitude towards natural and cultural heritage. Another result of the project will be the development of the educational program "Ecotour4Natur" - a new educational product that combines environmental education both in the classroom and in the open air.
The project "Ecotourism as a tool for preserving cultural and natural heritage" will play an important role in revealing new facets of the tourist potential of the Curonian Spit National Park and the Primorsky Regional Park of Pajurio, will create new jobs, and the educational program "Ecotour4Natur" will contribute to the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. life among young people. The achievement of the project will be the development of cross-border relations and contacts both among scientists on both sides of the border, and among local residents and authorities.
The project is being implemented under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Lithuania-Russia 2014-2020. The budget of the project is 299 823,04 EUR, out of which 224 741,04 EUR will be financed by the EU and 45 099,69 EUR will be financed by the RF , the duration – 24 months.

This project is funded by the European Union and the Russian Federation.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the Russia Federation. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of I.Kant Baltic Federal University and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and the Russia Federation.
2020-08-19 13:00 Ecotourism