Project news

The kick-off meeting on the project LT-RU-2-089 "Ecotourism as a tool to preserve cultural and natural heritage" was successfully held online

The kick-off meeting on the project LT-RU-2-089 “Ecotourism as a tool for preservation natural and cultural heritage” was successfully held on July 13, 2020. The event was initiated by Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, the Lead Beneficiary of the project. The meeting was held online, attended by representatives of the project partners: KBFSIRNP KURSHSKAYA KOSA, Klaipeda University and the Administration of Seaside Regional Park (Klaipeda district). During the meeting the partners discussed the project activities, their timeframes as well as organizational issues related to the project implementation. 
As a result of the project implementation, two resource centers will be established and equipped in the territory of natural parks of Russia and Lithuania. The new exposition “Feathered world of the Baltic” will be organised in the recently renovated historic building of the former exhibition pavilion of the first ornithological station in Europe. The exhibition “Feathered world of the Baltic” will be one of the objects of the new tourist route «The geological and geomorphological record of the Baltic Sea». As well, partners shall develop an educational program «Ecotour4Natur», which will be a new educational product combining indoors and outdoors ecological education. 

The project is being implemented under the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Lithuania-Russia 2014-2020. The budget of the project is 299 823,04 EUR, out of which 224 741,04 EUR will be financed by the EU and 45 099,69 EUR will be financed by the RF , the duration – 24 months.

This project is funded by the European Union and the Russian Federation.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and the Russia Federation. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of I.Kant Baltic Federal University and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union and the Russia Federation.
2020-07-14 18:00 Ecotourism