Within the framework of the "Baltic Odyssey" project, scientists and students from the IKBFU conduct excavations
The Amber Region is a place of intersection of peoples and cultures. Scientists and students from the IKBFU are exploring the land where people lived at the time when the Trojan War was taking place and the pharaohs ruled in Egypt. This is how the fragments look like, which could be particles of the dishes. Probably, people used it even before our era. Daria Sergeeva has already become skilled in the search for such things.
DARIA SERGEEVA, STUDENT IKBFU: - Most often we come across corollas, from jugs, for example, from vessels from all sorts. Yesterday was a piece of a pen.
Daria is from a family of teachers. Grandma and dad worked as teachers. She herself is also preparing to become a teacher. Already teaches junior comrades how to distinguish ceramics from stone.
ILZE MAKSIMOVA, STUDENT IKBFU: - My first excavations, my first practice, so it's very interesting. In the future I would like to be an archaeologist. So, I really like it. Found fragments are carefully washed and scrubbed with brushes and laid out in packages. Each has a layer of history. And in one place there may be several such layers.
STEPAN SAMOILOV, CORRESPONDENT: - 80 percent of exploration work is shovel work. The layers of soil are removed with such gentle movements in order to reach the desired level. And here is already a dark land. This is called a "hearth". There may be valuable finds here. During exploration, holes with even walls are dug - pits. By the layers of the earth, it is determined at what depth there should be traces of human life.
EDWIN ZALTSMAN, EXPEDITION LEADER, ASSOCIATOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY IKBFU: - For example, a splinter of such a bowl, on top it is decorated with a cord ornament in the form of triangles and stripes. And these are found much further south, these bowls. Not far from the Kaliningrad Bay, on the banks of the river, people lived more than three thousand years ago. It was probably a place of trade and cultural exchange. For example, the sun stone in ancient Troy and Mycenae could well have been from here. In exchange for amber, the local population received bronze, which is found in southern cultures. There are objects characteristic of different eras and different territories.
ANNA BELOVA, "BALTIC ODYSSEY" PROJECT MANAGER FROM IKBFU, DEPUTY HEAD OF RESEARCH SERVICE IKBFU: - The project is called “Baltic Odyssey - Creation of a Common Historical and Cultural Space”. This project is funded by the European Union and the Russian Federation within the framework of the Russia-Poland Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020.
42 thousand euros have been allocated for the study of ancient settlements. In parallel, excavations are underway in Poland in the Olsztyn region. At the end of this stage, scientists will compare the findings. The conference is planned for winter. And next summer, complete work on this site with large-scale excavations.
This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Poland-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Poland 2014-2020.