Project news

IKBFU took part in an online conference on the international project “Baltic Odyssey - Creating a Common Historical and Cultural Space”

The first online conference on the project “Baltic Odyssey - Creating a Common Historical and Cultural Space” took place as part of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program “Russia - Poland 2014-2020” on May 21, 2020.
The project partners discussed the creation of a mobile application for smartphones and other electronic devices, which will plunge into the era of the ancient Baltic and Prussia, the Middle Ages, the border territory of the Kaliningrad region and Poland. Potential users of the application will be able to get acquainted with the objects of historical and cultural heritage, find out their history, life cycle, and also become one of the heroes of that time. The target audience of mobile development is guests and local residents of the border region. Also, during the conference, they discussed the timing of events in the conditions of the temporary impossibility of organizing joint events on the ground (festival of the history and culture of the ancient Baltic, expedition to places of memory of the First World War, archaeological excavations with the participation of experts from Russia and Poland).

Anna Belova, project manager from the IKBFU:
“Events that cannot be carried out remotely have been postponed to a later date. So, the archaeological excavations in the Kaliningrad region, organized by the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, were decided to be held in the second half of August - early September "The partners hope that by this time the epidemiological situation will improve, and it will be possible to carry out full-scale excavations with the participation of international experts, as well as other planned joint activities."

This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Poland-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Poland 2014-2020.
"Baltic odyssey"