Project news

The project has been extended

The project partners discussed the possibility of extending the project and adjusting the budget at a working meeting on December 15, 2021.
The working meeting was held in face-to-face format, at the IKBFU. I. Kant. The working meeting was attended by representatives of Russian partners - the Administration of the municipality "Zelenograd city district", the non-profit organization "Kaup" Historical Reconstruction Group and the IKBFU. I. Kant.

Polish partners took part through the ZOOM program, mainly representatives of the Prutenia Association.

At the working meeting, it was decided to extend the project until May 31, 2022 due to closed borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary approval for the project extension was received from the representatives of the secretariat in Olsztyn.

Another issue that was also discussed by the partners is the holding of a festival of historical reconstruction in the Viking village "Kaup" on December 18, 2021.

The university is planning to visit the festival by students participating in archaeological excavations and workshops "Prussia-Design".
This web page has been created and is maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the Russian Federation as part of the Poland-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, cannot be considered as containing the official position of the Russian Federation on any issue, and under no circumstances can be considered as a reflection of the position of the European Union, the Governing Body or the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Russia-Poland 2014-2020.
2021-12-16 19:29 "Baltic odyssey"